Friday, August 31, 2007

Where am I? Where am I Going?

The term “news” comes from the geographical
directions of North, East, West and South. It’s
shocking to me how little people know about
geography, and what’s East or West, or what’s
North or South.
Americans have let their geographical
knowledge fall so much that many don’t know
the difference between Paris, France and Paris
But Americans are not alone—lack of
knowledge is contagious and worldwide. Many
of my friends here in Asia have no idea exactly
where Bangkok or Seoul are situated—the best
they can do is get to the airport and go to the
correct gate, get on a plane, and end up wherever
they’re going. Being oriented locally, or
globally is low on the priority list, as long as you
can have someone else find your way.
So what’s wrong with that? Two things; one, in
life, you will get lost. You better be resourceful
enough to find your way home, or you could end
up broke, or worse, dead. Being directionally
ignorant is no joke. Two, knowledge is power.
In life, you need to know where you are to figure
out where you are going. (Or others will gladly
tell you where to go! I think you get the idea.)
Recently, a beauty contestant in America made
headlines for completely botching a question
about geography—she looked like an idiot. Do
you want to look like an idiot? If I asked you
“How do I get to from here to there?”, could you
tell me? Or would I get the ubiquitous “I don’t
know” response?

Key Words

Geography-n-the study of places, maps, locales.

Contagious-adj-something that is easily spread.

Situated-adj-the location of something, where it sits.

Oriented-adj-having knowledge and awareness of the location of places and things.

Resourceful-adj-able to use what is available and make the most of it.

Directionally-adv-the ability of knowing which way to go.

Botching-v-doing something very badly, poorly.

Ubiquitous-adj-everywhere, very common.


PJ said...

Hi Bill,

This is my first leaving a comment in you blog. Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and efforts to teach us English. I enjoy reading your blog very much. You often encourage Advanced students to explore a new place in US when they have a chance to visit instead of going to the big cities all the time. I totally agree with you. Traveling really expand our horizons.

Once again, thank you for the hard work and the encouragement. God bless you.

Joyful Jennifer
Cynthia's sister in LA

LIBRA said...

Hi Bill,

Thanks for sharing where the term "news" comes from. It is so interesting. We watch the news every day. We can know what happens all over the world from North, East, West, and South. It does make sense.

I have learned the geographic since I was a child, but I didn't put into practice until I was at CA, in USA. I have to drive by myself there. So, my sister, Jennifer, taught me how to use the MAP. The USA is so big. It is hard for us to be familiar with every road. We often drive by ourselves. If we are missed on the road, looking up the map to get the direction is the best way to solve it. You may ask the stranger, too. But it is dangerous becuase you are alone. You may go that place only once in your life. That is the start point to enforce me to learn the direction. I can know where I am and where the destination is. Then, I can find which freeway I should take. You can find it from the MAP. Every road is very clear and accurate in the MAP in USA.

I have been to New York twice. I went shopping by myself the first time. I was missed on the road and asked two strangers for help. Both of them gave me wrong directions. I walked a while, but still couldn't find the shop. I finally got my way by looking up the map. It is only a small example. Let's apply to the real life. If you don't know where you are, you may not know what your goal is. How can have a lively life? You may go after others. Can you make sure others' decisions are right for you? You can't always rely on others. Every one is independent.

I don't need to drive in Taipei, so I don't use the map here. For example, I go to the DanShui by Metro. If I don't look up the map, I just go to the train station, get on the train and arrive in the DanShui. I will not know where it is by driving. I think I should take a look at map to have a general idea for the direction in Tawain. I don't want to give others the ubiquitous answer,"I don't know" response.

This article is so interesting. How do you decide which topic to write in your blog? I like your articles. Thanks for your input. We learn some new words and some concepts, too.

Best Regards,


LIBRA said...

Hi Bill,

After posting my comment, I find I make one mistake. I should write, "I got lost on the road" instead of "I was missed on the road.". Sorry for that~



Teacher Bill said...

Hi Joyful Jennifer,
I'm glad that you have been able to visit my blog. Wow! All the way from LA! Thank you for your encouragement, also!

Teacher Bill said...

Hi Cynthia!
I'm glad you enjoyed the video. Yes, it is important to know your way around. As you mentioned, it's easy to get lost, especially in a place like America. Very important to be able to read a map, figure out where you are and where you need to go. You don't want to make the wrong turn and end up in the wrong place.
I just pick topics that I encounter in everyday life, in conversations with people, and in my experience. We all have similar experiences, so it's good to share and learn.
Yes, you were correct with your correction, saying "I got lost on the road", or you could say "I got lost along the way".
Have a great day Cynthia!

Peiyun Lee said...

"the difference between Paris, France and Paris Hilton..." Best joke of the year! I like it ^_^.

I was a AAA(the American Automobile Association) club member in US and their "point-to-point driving directions" service was nice. It helped me to get to DC. on time.

I like your writing style. Not only I can learn English from it, but also decent topics and content. Very inspiring! Good stuff!


Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,
it's been a long time since my last visit, so I click all the files since August.
One conclusion I got is that our admirable teacher is so brave! Teaching English calmly even when the typhoon draws!("I hate my job")

another is that the background keeps changing: studio, somewhere top at the building, at the beach...

haha, can we see u recording the video in front of a pyramid some other day?

thank you for sharing all your valuable experience.


Teacher Bill said...

Thanks Peter! Good to hear from you! Yes, I like to change the background----good to have a little variety---it's the spice of life! Take care,

Anonymous said...

Hi BIll,

I am a listener of Advanced, and I came here because you mentioned your blog in today's broadcast. It is interesting to see your article and watch the video. Good job!


Teacher Bill said...

Thanks Wen! Good to have you join us here! Sorry for the late reply--but we say "Better late than never". Take care!
