Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mega Computers - In case you missed this video on our website in Feb., here it is!

Mega Computers - Math Software - Feb. News

Boss: Johnson! Johnson! Come in here!
Johnson: Yes sir, Mr. Schmedley, how may I help you?
Boss: I thought there was one more chocolate doughnut in here. I wonder where it went to. Hmmm. Well, anyway Johnson, I was just reading this month’s Advanced Magazine’s Newsworthy Clips, and it got me to thinking.
Johnson: Yes sir, you’re always thinking.
Boss: Well, that’s how I come up with all of my brilliant ideas. See, this news clip about Math Disguised as a Video game. Johnson, we need to increase our sales to kids. Mega Computers is the leader in P.C. s for business, but we’re just not selling enough computers to kids.
Johnson: How do you propose that we do that, sir?
Boss: Math, Johnson, math!
Johnson: Math? But math is boring, Mr. Schmedley. Kids don’t want math, they want games.
Boss: You, Johnson, are my software genius. You can make math engaging! You like math, don’t you?
Johnson: I love math, sir. I really like multiplication and division. And square roots, and . . .
Boss: See! Now what I want you to do is design a game for our computers, and sneak into the software all sorts of math exercises. Make it so they don’t even know they’re doing math.
Johnson: I see—make it a game, but have them do math as a way of getting good scores.
Boss: That’s right, Johnson. Be creative—make it kind of an adventure, something like a scavenger hunt. Kids love hunting for things and solving problems.
Johnson: How difficult should I make it, sir.
Boss: Not too difficult, Johnson—I need to be able to play it, you know, test it out. If it’s good, we can give away some free computers to the local schools.
Johnson: So we can be educational philanthropists, and help the students.
Boss: Exactly, Johnson. That way, Mega Computers looks good, and we can sell more!
Johnson: You’re a genius, boss!
Boss: I know Johnson—that’s why I’m the boss around here. Now, before you start work on that new math computer, go and get me a chocolate doughnut, and some of that Moonbucks coffee.
Johnson: Yes sir!
Boss: And get a chocolate doughnut for yourself, too, Johnson.
Johnson: Oh, I already had one sir.

Key Words

engaging-adj-something that is interesting, to be involved in.

sneak-v-secretly put something in, or to move without being noticed.

scavenger hunt-n.phr-a game where you must find items, follow directions, in a limited time.

philanthropist-n-a generous person, one who gives money or gifts to those in need.