Friday, April 16, 2010

Angkor Wat 1

Angkor Wat 1 text

Okay, here I am in Cambodia at Angkor Wat, and it’s great to see the temple here. There’s many temples here in this part of Cambodia, around Siem Rap.
It’s also important that we study the history of these places before we come here—just to understand things, to understand recent history of Cambodia, as far as some of the political issues that they’ve had, some of the fighting. Also the ancient history.
This was built 1137 to 1150 (*Correction: It was built 1113 to 1150, a total of 37 years. Sorry for the mistake!), and a lot of the western world thinks that this was quote “discovered” maybe by some Europeans, by the French a few centuries ago or something. It really wasn’t “discovered”—the locals knew it was here the whole time—they just didn’t share it with everybody.
So, it’s very important to study the history of these countries before we go visit them. Also understand the rich history of this part of the world. This, uh, the kingdoms here in Cambodia were very powerful for many centuries about a thousand years ago.
So, enjoy—she’s enjoying.
See you next time!