Monday, May 28, 2007

"I'm Right, You're Wrong"

I’m in beautiful Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, my hometown, for a visit with my family. Pittsburgh is a nice place, extremely livable.
Anyway, I’m here to tell you that I’m right, and you’re wrong. Right about what? Doesn’t matter—I’m right and you’re wrong. Well, at least that’s how most of us operate. Whether disagreements or conflicts are big or small, human beings have a need to make the other person wrong. Think about how much mental and emotional energy you spend making other people wrong. We hate to be wrong—to some, it’s embarrassing to be wrong, a real blow to the ego. So instead, anger, justifications and rationalizations fill our minds and our mouths. Have you had a disagreement recently with someone in your family or at work or school? How did you respond? Did you consider that the other person may be right—or did you classify them as completely wrong? I’ve got news for you—the truth usually lies somewhere in between you and the other person.
Making wrong ranges from individuals to groups to large organizations all the way up to nations. We’re right and they’re wrong. Next time you have a disagreement with someone, say to that person “You may be right”. It’s a much better way to start the dialogue than saying “You’re wrong”.

Key Words

Justification-n-a reason or explanation given to explain why something was said or done.

Rationalization-n-similar to justification, an explanation that’s often given in an either/or form.

I’ve got news for you-idiom-a way of pointing out a truth to another person.

Dialogue-n-conversation or discussion between two people.


法樂 said...

Dear Bill:
I like your opinions in the article.
Always being right is important to some people. They can't stand being criticized. And maybe being wrong makes those feel they are not that good. But in fact, being right or wrong does't matter that much. What really counts for me is to express thoughts calmly and accept differnt ones.

Kellicious said...

Dear Bill,
Really nice to be here.
I have learned Advanced Magazine over 2 yr..I enjoy the lessons so much.And to be honest,especilly for yours.You know,every month,when I get a new magazine,I will check through every passage from Mp3 to find out all the passages hosted by you,at least involved in you.Then I will listen and learn them first^^
I like your positive charateristic so much!!!!
I also like this passage from you:0

Unknown said...

The description of your hometown is vivid---the word"extremely livable"has impressed me a lot.
And your philosophy is of great help for me. People like to be right; but the truth is :if you confess your mistake, most of the others will forgive you.

Unknown said...

my blog: