Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Seoul Subway "I-cell-ation"

I took this video on the subway in Seoul--think it was Sunday, September 23, 2007. This is quite typical, not just in Seoul. It's interesting how folks have come to rely upon their cellphones--to the point of not communicating, or even acknowledging anyone around them. Nobody even looks at anyone.


Anonymous said...

It seems to me that our ego is more and more fragile. We need some pretection bulb, maybe it is the screen of our computer or cell phone.We can't stand the possibilities of being slighted, rejected.We dare not contact others directly, in person, face to face. We lack the courage to initiate a interaction with other people.

Teacher Bill said...

Thanks for your comment Wesley! You make some very good points. The fear of being slighted or rejected ends up isolating us even more. Cell phones do serve a good purpose in some situations. But I'm frustrated that folks don't communicate more with the people around them--we end up staying strangers to each other. Take care!