Wednesday, June 27, 2007

More Money

Every one wants more money. "If only I had more money, then my problems would be solved". I often hear that.

There's an old saying I once heard--"Money makes you more of what you are." What does that mean? Well, think about what you are like. Are you a happy person? An honest person? Kind? Compassionate? Hard working? Generous? Or are you miserable? Mean? Lazy? Cheap? Whatever you are, money will make you more of that. Money won't make you happy unless you are a happy person without it.

Money won't bring you love unless you give love, with or without money. And money won't make you healthy if you don't live a healthy lifestyle.

Pursuing money is fine--it's not evil. But too often the pursuit of money causes us to compromise our principles, and it clouds our judgement about what makes us happy or unhappy.

A purposeful life, rewarding work and meaningful relationships--things that take work and effort, make us happy. If you have those, then money will be the icing on the cake. If you don't, then money will simply be a distraction that seperates you from the beauty of a life well-lived.

Key Words

Compassionate-adj-kind and caring toward others.

Generous-adj-willing to give your resources to others.

Miserable-adj-unhappy with many things.

Cheap-unwilling to give your resources to others.

Compromise our principles-v.phrase-not doing the right thing in order to achieve a goal.

Clouds our judgement-idiom-something that prevents us from clearly seeing a problem.

Icing on the cake-idiom-an unexpected benefit, an additional good thing.

1 comment:

LIBRA said...

Some people think money can make them happy and pursue money all life. But they don't know how to use it. They mayn't have time to use it, either. Then, they will become the slave of money.

I agree that you should be happy first, no matter how much you earn. If you can help others, no matter ho much you give, you are the happiest man. If you have much money, but you don't want to share with others, you will feel lonely.

Money is imporant, too. We should use the right way to earn it. Otherwise, you may lost it quickly.

Share with you~ Cynthia