Monday, April 28, 2008

Can You Teach Ethics? feature for Advanced (text)

Dr. Gray: Welcome to “Should I, or Shouldn’t I”, the ethical call in program where you can ask me, Dr. Gray, how to handle your ethical dilemmas. Go ahead Sally, you’re first!

Sally: Oh, hi Dr. Gray, thanks for taking my call.

Dr: Oh, my pleasure, Sally. Now, how may I help you?

Sally: Well, I’ve got a problem at work Dr. Gray. I run the accounting department, and so I approve all of the expense reports for our sales people. They do a lot of PR work and . . .

Dr: Hmmm, okay, that’s a starting point. What seems to be the problem?

Sally: (Sigh) My boyfriend, see, he is one of the salesmen, and yesterday he told me that he’s been charging his golf games to the company account for the past seven years.

Dr: Oh boy! How much money do you think that has been, Sally?

Sally: Well, he really likes to play golf, and he’s really good at it, in fact just last week he had his best score ever, and was so happy that . . .

Dr: Sally, Sally, how much money has he charged the company for golf over the last seven years?

Sally: Uh, about $10,000. But he’s a good salesman, and everyone likes him.

Dr: Sally, Sally, I know you want to side with your boyfriend on this, but you have to do what’s right. Have you told anyone, yet?

Sally: Oh heavens, no! He’d lose his job, then I’d have to support him!

Dr: Sally, I’ve seen this before. He needs to come clean on this, admit what he’s done, and work out a plan to repay the company for all his golf games.

Sally: That’s so much money, Dr. Gray.

Dr: Sally, in the long run, it’s the best thing for both of you. Honesty is the best policy.

Sally: But he bought me this nice engagement ring!

Dr: You’re thinking about marrying this idiot? Sally, Sally, you need to come clean on this—it’s the best for both of you.

Sally: Oh, okay Doctor, thanks for your help.

Dr: Thanks for calling Sally.

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