Thursday, January 17, 2008

"I'll Be Happy When . . . " (MP3 at

Hello, Ni hao! I’m here in the sound library, and this is where I pick out music for, um, radio programs, and for our features, - so, and also some other things we pick out music for. So, it’s kind of a neat place.
Anyway, I wanted to talk about something today that we had covered in my Internet English class that I teach. I teach a couple of Internet English classes, and we talked about New Year’s resolutions—part of my last video—and several people said that their resolution was that they wanted to win the lottery.
Well, I don’t think winning the lottery is necessarily a resolution—it’s not something that you can control. But, anyways, I understood where they were coming from, and I love my students, and they gave me some good answers.
But the idea behind winning the lottery is that if we have money, then we’ll be happy—that will make us happy if we win the lottery.
I don’t know if that’s gonna make anybody happy, winning money. I’ve talked about this before. But think about a couple people—for instance, Britney Spears has a lot of money, and I don’t think she’s very happy. If you ever see Allen Iverson playing basketball, does he strike you as a happy fellow?
There’s a lot of people with money who aren’t very happy.
So, people think “I’ll be happy when . . . da, da, da, da, da”, right? “I’ll be happy when I get married”, “I’ll be happy when I have a lot of money”, “I’ll be happy when I have a new job”, “I’ll be happy when I move to . . . Afghanistan”. Right?
People think all kinds of things they’ll be happy “when”.
Why not choose to be happy today? Why don’t wake up in the morning—why don’t you wake up in the morning and say “I will be happy TODAY”?
For many people happiness is a choice. Keep in mind, also, happiness might also be a little bit of a myth—kind of a fantasy that is out there somewhere.
Let me back up to what exactly is happiness, versus what’s more important—purpose. What is your purpose?
If you have a purpose, a clear mission, then you won’t necessarily need fantasies about what will make you happy.
But, anyway, don’t think about “I’ll be happy ‘when something else happens’ “. Why not start off today, or tomorrow, and say “I’ll be happy today”. Tell yourself that when you wake up in the morning.
I know it’s not going to be easy for everybody. Many people have work that they don’t like, or they have to be around people they don’t want to be around. Well, YOU have to solve that problem. The first step is to figure out the purpose in your life, and then that will help you to be happier each day.
Okay, it’s the beginning of 2008—I hope we can make this a good year for everybody. Take care!

Key Words

Necessarily-adv-used to add emphasis, similar to using “really”.

Where they were coming from-idiom-to understand how or why another thinks.

Strike-v-to give or receive an impression or feeling about something.

Myth-n-an old story that may not be factual.

Fantasy-n-a dream, a special story.

Out there somewhere-idiom-off in the distance, maybe beyond our reach.

Purpose-n-meaningful action, rewarding, constructive activity.


LIBRA said...

Teacher Bill,

Good morning~ Where is your Internet English Class? Please let me know. It should be very interesting.

Be happy every day. We have many pressure daily. If we have a spiritual life, we will have a different attitude. We often run after the external thing, such as money, work, clothes, etc. We lost ourselves in that. We think we will be happy after we get something. It is wrong. You are not satisfied at all. You will keep running the material thing.

On the other side, if you feel happy, you can do everything better. You should like what you have and share with others. You will be the richest person no matter what you have. Just change the attitude, you will be different.

Don't worry~ Be Happy~

Teacher Bill said...

Hi Libra!

Much of life is determined by our attitude. Too often we think about the things we don't have, and overlook the good things that we do have. Often people think that a geographic change will make a big difference in their happiness level. But there's an old saying, "Wherever you go, there you are". That means that everything you are follows you--so we must deal with it today. Money is important, and financial responsibility is key. But more money doesn't always solve problems. Many times, it is just spent on more "stuff", which is only a temporary high. We need to learn how to manage the small things in live first, then we can handle the big things. Everyday is a gift, so we need to rejoice in it, and not only think that happiness will come in the future. Take care!


Teacher Bill said...

Hey Cynthia,
Go to and look for "E-Learning". That should have information on the Internet English classes.